Safety Is Our Top Priority
​At Antex Western, we are dedicated to providing a safe and healthy work environment for our employees, subcontractors, and clients through our commitment to COR Certified programs in both Manitoba and Alberta. Our standards are held to the highest of industry levels and incorporate continual assessment of health and safety practices and procedures to ensure the well-being of everyone involved. We take pride in our team’s proactiveness towards safety, with each individual understanding that it takes everyone’s efforts to create an accident-free workplace.

Covid-19 Update and Protocol
As the spread of Covid-19 (coronavirus) continues, we want to ensure our employees and subcontractors are doing their best to stay healthy and help prevent the spread of infection.
Please Read the following Document regarding Covid-19:
Safety First. Safety Always.
We consider health and safety to be one of our most important responsibilities as part of everyday business activities. Antex Western is committed to conducting all of our business activities in compliance with applicable Safety and Health Regulations and Codes of Practice (including a Harassment Policy). We strive to eliminate or control any foreseeable hazards which may result in personal injury, occupational illness or property damage.

We Are Proudly COR Certified
After achieving COR Certification from the Construction Safety Association of Manitoba in 2005, we didn’t just hang it on our wall; we used this certification as the platform from which we work. We earned this certification because of our deep-rooted commitment to efficiency, professionalism and safety; we are keeping it because of our continued recognition that every person in this company shares the responsibility for safety and health. In 2009, we continued our commitment to safety by achieving COR Certification from the Alberta Construction Safety Association.
Safety: It’s a Team Effort
We are proud that our employees participate actively in this commitment by keeping a safe and clean job site as well as offering ideas and recommendations for improvements on matters of safety. We also develop, implement and maintain current safety and health programming up to the very best management practices of our industry that is consistent in all of our offices in MB and AB.
Our employees understand that it takes everyone’s efforts to prevent the pain, suffering and economic losses attributable to workplace accidents. An injury and accident-free workplace is our goal. Through our continued efforts, we accomplish this.